Monday, February 15, 2010

Do you dream in color or stainless steel?

If you've got a Burgundy Viking Range you'd like to swap out to Stainless, or a Stainless Viking Range you'd like to turn Blue, we can help. Give us a call at 988 888 4546 or email us at and we will let you know which parts need to change out so you can change color. Hint: Have your Viking Model Number and Serial Number ready. It's easy to find if you know where to look.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

POWER porcelain

Have your porcelain grates rusted? How would you like brand new POWER porcelain grates - they are made of CAST IRON, not steel AND the Porcelain Coating is SUPER thick - we're not kidding - you will wonder why you lived without these grates! and the SEAR marks? Perfect! The picture doesn't do it justice. Feel, See, and Taste the difference.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Why do you need my Model and Serial Number?

Viking makes LOTS of different kinds of ranges and appliances. Models have changed over the years in many important ways. New and improved parts have been introduced. If you really want the best part and the right part, your Viking Model Number and Serial Number are the ticket to getting your Viking appliance back to showroom form. We make it SUPER EASY to find your Viking Model/Serial Number.